coffee + donuts + plants that grow in the ground that you can buy and that's obviously very good.

What’s up, people?
It’s been a second since the last post. Here are some things that have happened:

1) We moved into Lost Bread’s Howard St location and plugged in a super old, German, cast iron roaster.
2) We’ve been eating great bread and treats for extended hours on the weekends with Lost Bread. Oh and serving coffee for the folks coming through.
3) We’ve been buying more and more coffee from some truly awesome folks… and haven’t gone out of business yet. Cool.
4) We were featured at snazzy little shop called Fellow Products who make really wild coffee brewing equipment.
5) We were subsequently featured on Food and Wine’s Top Roasters (by state) and that was a little unexpected (remember folks: we’re a secret… shhhh).

And alas, brand-spanking-new news: We’re going to be at Greensgrow in Fishtown every Saturday this summer from 10-2PM with Okie Dokie Donuts!

We’re so stoked. We love Greensgrow and have been getting veggies from their farm stand and CSA for a very long time now! We are also avid gardeners and truly believe in the potential of, oh-say, everyone putting more green stuff in and around their houses in Philadelphia and all the cool stuff that comes of it..

And so we’re happy to lend our coffee services to the cause. We want you to be there, buy some plants, plant those plants, reap those sweet benefits. So, if you need some espresso or cool/cold coffee to push your stoked-ness into overdrive, we’re happy to help. Oh, and did we mention there would be donuts? Okie. Dokie. Donuts. They’re GF and occasionally vegan so you “might-should” be covered. Why are you even still reading this? Get over there!

Every Saturday starting in July
2501 E. Cumberland St., Philadelphia, PA 19125